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Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Sep 30, 2020

To shed more light on "holiness" and "sanctification", this message takes us into the book of Leviticus.  Rather than reading it as a set of rules in legalism, the bird’s eye view approach allows us to see what God is calling "holy": that which is of Him, pleasing to Him, and set apart for the purpose of worship to...

Sep 29, 2020

The subject of holiness and sanctification cannot be treated apart from God and His presence.  The ground around the burning bush and Mount Sinai was hallowed because of His presence.  In the Old Testament there are degrees of holiness, but in the New Testament and today, God's Spirit is in us making us holy. ...

Sep 28, 2020

Studying grammar, particularly antonyms like "common" and "profane", helps us better understand the original meanings of the Hebrew words related to holiness and sanctification.  We have a language problem, where holiness is made synonymous with perfection; it cannot mean perfection or sinlessness except when speaking...

Sep 25, 2020

God can sanctify any individual who trusts in Christ for salvation, not just the priests and elevated ones.  Peeling apart the language clearly shows we cannot use one word to translate QDSH, and we cannot get to the meanings without looking at the Hebrew verbs.  For the Niphal stem (simple passive), only God is the...

Sep 24, 2020

Hebrews declares that without following peace with all mankind and holiness, no man shall see the Lord.  Holiness is a complicated subject, but a desire to see God will lead you to pull apart the word meanings.  This message adds another layer to the foundation for understanding the words. Hebrews 12:14  VF-2193
