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Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Dec 29, 2023

Paul’s message on the resurrected life cannot be separated from “now concerning the collection”. Giving is structured, and involves person(s), giving at a set time, proportionally (as God has prospered). With emphasis on “let every one of you”, no one is exempt from this call to action. 1 Corinthians...

Dec 28, 2023

Stewardship is recognition that there is an owner other than the steward, and the steward is responsible and accountable to the owner for those things entrusted to him. The Owner is God, and we are to redeem the time and make use of the life and the gifts God has given us for the furtherance of His kingdom. VF-2130

Dec 27, 2023

Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, were granted position and privilege, but became complacent in their service to the Lord, offering strange fire. We, as children of God, have position in Christ; we should take heed of the warning against forgetting our place and substituting meaningless form for right worship. VF-2074...

Dec 26, 2023

Although seemingly unimportant, Andrew shows us there is nothing wrong in God's eyes with playing second fiddle: the same gifts of the Spirit are given in diverse ways to build up the body of believers and glorify our Lord. Do not neglect the gift; respond to His call "come and see", because the Lord will always reveal...

Dec 25, 2023

Commitment begins first and foremost with the activity of God in prevenient Grace. Our Act is then one of presenting ourselves on the Basis of the mercies of God. The Character of commitment is all hinged on our understanding of what the Lord has done in making us new creatures in Christ. The Demands of commitment...