Jul 31, 2023
The power of God is the power of salvation. The change going on inside of you…something must occur, God’s transformation in you, because the self cannot change itself. When God gives us a gift – a person i.e. Pastor Scott, who will open up the scriptures and make it plain. Be a better listener…listen and...
Jul 28, 2023
Teaching on sanctification, opening with one of the doctrines that arose based on wrong interpretations of the word "sanctification": Wesleyan, Reformed, Pent. Assemblies of God, Keswick. Sanctification is an internal work of God's Spirit in us and the result of this is obedience to Christ. VF-1730 1 Peter 1:2
Jul 27, 2023
Sanctification is an ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in us; a process just like salvation. We cannot sanctify ourselves. VF-1729 1Peter 1:1-2
Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at PastorMelissaScott.com
Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott....
Jul 26, 2023
Explaining the Foreknowledge of God. The grammar provides further proof that the "elect" has been moved. Examining the KJV's use of "Sanctification" and what is really being said. VF-1728 1Peter 1:1-2
Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at PastorMelissaScott.com
Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale....
Jul 25, 2023
The Bodmer Papyri shows the "elect" in verse 1. Erasmus moved the ‘elect’ next to ‘the foreknowledge of God’. All of what we go through as Christians…it’s the trying of our faith. Real Christians suffer and labor through life. VF-1727 1Peter 1:1-2
Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at PastorMelissaScott.com